Γε- names
- Γεβάλ
- Meaning: Gebal
- Note: Tract of land in Edom south of the Dead Sea (Ps 72/83:7)
- Γεβεελάν
- Meaning: Baalath
- Note: City in the territory of Dan (Josh 19:44)
- Γεβενεννόμ
- Meaning: Son of Hinnom
- Note: Valley where children passed through the fire
- Concord: 2Chron 33:6
- Γεβερέ
- Meaning: Gath Hepher
- Note: City in the territory of Zebulun (Josh 19:13)
- Hebrew: גִּתָּה־חֵפֶר
- Γεβωθίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gibeathite
- Note: Native of Gibeah (1Chron 12:3)
- Forms:
- Γεδάν
- Meaning: Gidom
- Note: The limit eastward, from Gibeah toward the wilderness, of the pursuit of Benjamin by Israel (Judg 20:45)
- Γεδδήλ
- Meaning: Giddel
- Note: The family name of those who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel
- Concord: Ezra 2:47
- Γεδδούρ
- Meaning: Geddur, Geddour
- Note: Head of family of those who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:30)
- Note: Transliteration of גְדוּד which means raiders (1Chron 12:22)
- Γεδδών
- Meaning: Gedor
- Note: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:58)
- Γεδδώρ
- Meaning: Gederoth
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:41)
- Γεδεών
- Meaning: Gideon
- Note: Also called Jerubbaal, was the first of the judges of Israel; son of Joash the Abiezrite (Judg 6:29)
- Note: Ancestor of Judith (Judith 8:1)
- Γεδήλ
- Meaning: Giddel
- Note: Servants of Solomon who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:56)
- Γεδούρ
- Meaning: Gedor
- Note: Son of Gibeon and Maacah (1Chron 8:31)
- Γεδσούρ
- Meaning: Geshur
- Note: district or principality of Syria near Gilead, between Mount Hermon and the Lake of Tiberias (2Sam 13:37)
- Γεδσών
- Meaning: Gershon
- Note: Son of Levi (Num 3:17; 1Chron 6:1)
- Note: Son of Levi and father of Jahath (1Chron 6:43)
- Γεδσωνί
- Meaning: Gershonite
- Note: Descendant of Gershon (Num 26:57)
- Γεδώρ
- Meaning: Gedor
- Note: Gedor: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:58)
- Note: Gedor: Son of Penuel (1Chron 4:4)
- Note: Gedor: Son of Jered (1Chron 4:18)
- Note: Gerar: A town in the Philistine plain South of Gaza (2Chron 14:13)
- Γεδωρίτης
- Meaning: Gederite
- Note: Native of Geder (1Chron 27:28)
- Γεζουέ
- Meaning: Gazez
- Note: Son of Caleb and Ephah (1Chron 2:46)
- Note: Son of Haran (1Chron 2:46)
- Γέθ
- Meaning: Gath, Geth
- Note: Royal city of the Philistines (1Sam 17:4)
- Γεθεδάν
- Meaning: Gibbethon
- Note: Levite city in the territory of Dan (Josh 21:23)
- Γεθερεμμών
- Meaning: Gath Rimmon
- Note: Levite city in the territory of Dan (Josh 21:24)
- Γεθθά
- Meaning: Gath
- Note: one of the five royal cities of the Philistines (1Sam 5:8)
- Γεθθαίμ, Γεθθάιμ
- Meaning: Gittaim
- Note: A town in territory of Benjamin or Moab (Gen 36:35; 2Sam 4:3; Neh 11:33; Job 42:17d)
- Γεθθαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gittite, of Gath
- Note: Natives of Gath (Josh 13:3; 2Sam 6:10; 15:19)
- Forms:
- Γεθθέμ
- Meaning: Geththem
- Note: Transliteration of גַדְתֶּם meaning you are treacherous, you have transgressed (1Sam 14:33)
- Γεθράμ
- Meaning: Gethram
- Note: son of Dishon
- Concord:
1Chron 1:41
- Γεθρεμμών
- Meaning: Gath-Rimmon
- Note: City in the territory of Dan (Josh 19:45)
- Γεθσημανῆ
- Γεθσημανί
- Meaning: Gethsemane
- Note: Olive orchard at the foot of the Mount of Olives (Matt 26:36; Mark 14:32)
- Hebrew: גַּת שְׁמָנֵי
- Γεθσών
- Meaning: Gershon
- Note: Son of Levi and father of Jahath (1Chron 6:43)
- Γεθχοβέρ
- Meaning: Gath-Hepher
- Note: town of Lower Galilee about 8 km from Nazareth (2Kings 14:25)
- Γεθχοφέρ
- Meaning: Gath-Hepher
- Note: town of Lower Galilee about 8 km from Nazareth (2Kings 14:25)
- Γελαμψούρ
- Meaning: Gelampsour, Shur
- Note: LXX transliterates שׁוּרָה (1Sam 27:8)
- Γελβουέ
- Meaning: Gilboa
- Note: low barren range of mountains bounding the valley of Esdraelon (Jezreel) on the east, between it and the Jordan valley (1Sam 28:4)
- Γελγέλ
- Meaning: Gelgel
- Note: Transliteration of the Hebrew גַּלְגַּל meaning wheel (Ezek 10:13)
- Γελιά
- Meaning: Bithiah
- Note: Daughter of Pharaoh (1Chron 4:18)
- Γελλά
- Meaning: Holon
- Note: City given to the Levites (Josh 21:15)
- Γελμών
- Γελμών-Δεβλαθαίμ
- Meaning: Almon-Diblathaim
- Note: A station in the wilderness journeyings of the Israelites, located in Moab between Diban-gad and the mountains of Abarim (Num 33:46)
- Γελμωναῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gilonite
- Note: A person from Giloh (2Sam 15:12)
- Forms:
- Γελώλ
- Meaning: Gilalai
- Note: Son of Zechariah the priest
- Concord: Neh 12:36
- Γελωνίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gilonite
- Note: Native of Giloh (2Sam 23:34)
- Forms:
- Γελωραί, Γελωραΐ
- Meaning: Naharai
- Note: Armorbearer of Joab (2Sam 23:37)
- Γεμεέθ
- Meaning: Alameth
- Note: Son of Becher (1Chron 7:8)
- Γεμιάν
- Meaning: Ebal
- Note: Son of Joktan (1Chron 1:22)
- Γεμνά
- Meaning: Gemna
- Note: LXX misreads יָמָּה meaning "seaward, to the sea" for the name of a city (Josh 15:46 LXX)
- Γενναίος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Genneus
- Note: Father of Apollonius, one of the Syrian generals who troubled the Jews while Lysias was governor for Antiochus Eupator (2Macc 12:2)
- Forms:
- Γεννησάρ
- Meaning: Gennesar
- Note: Place located along west shore of the Sea of Galilee (1Macc 11:67)
- Γεννησαρέτ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Gennesaret
- Note: Town of Naphtali called Chinnereth (Josh 19:35) or in plural as Chinneroth (Josh 11:2) but called Gennesaret by the time of the NT (Luke 5:1); located on the west shore of Gennesaret Lake
- Note: Lake of Gennesaret
- Γεννουνί
- Meaning: Gizonite
- Note: Native of an unidentified place (1Chron 11:34)
- Γέραρα, Γεραρά
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gerar, Gerara, Gedor
- Note: Gerar: Town in the south border of Palestine which was ruled by Abimelech (Gen 10:19; 20:1,2; 26:1)
- Note: Gedor: LXX has Gerar; probably does not refer to Gedor or Geder (1Chron 4:39)
- Forms:
- Γερασηνῶν
- Meaning: Gerasenes
- Note: A district on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8:26)
- Γεργεσαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Girgashite, Gergesite
- Note: A branch of the Hivites, descendants of Canaan (Gen 10:16)
- Forms:
- Γεργεσηνός
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Gergesene
- Note: demonym of Gergesa (Matt 8:28)
- Forms:
- Γερμανικός
- Meaning: Germanicus
- Note: A Christian who fought wild beasts (Mart-Pol 3:1)
- Γερρηνοί
- Parse: Noun: Nom Plur Masc
- Meaning: Gerrhenians
- Note: Southern limit of the territory assigned by Antiochus Eupator to the government of Judas Maccabeus (2Macc 13:24)
- Forms:
- Γερσών
- Meaning: Gershon
- Note: One of the sons of Levi
- Concord: Num 3:18
- Γεσεήλ
- Meaning: Jehallelel
- Note: Descendant of Judah (1Chron 4:16)
- Γεσέμ
- Meaning: Goshen
- Note: A district in lower Egypt where Jacob's family settled (Gen 45:10)
- Note: Town in the mountains of Judah (Josh 15:51)
- Note: District in Palestine between Gaza and Gibeon (Josh 10:41; 11:16)
- Γεσίιρ
- Meaning: Geshur
- Note: district or principality of Syria near Gilead, between Mount Hermon and the Lake of Tiberias (2Sam 3:3)
- Γεσίρ
- Γεσιρί
- Meaning: Geshurites
- Note: Aboriginal people of Palestine who inhabited the south-west border of the land (Josh 13:2)
- Γεσιών
- Parse: Name
- Meaning: Gesiōn
- Reference: Deut 2:8
- Γεσιωνγαβέρ
- Meaning: Ezion Geber
- Note: A wilderness camping place near Elath (Num 33:35)
- Γεσουρί
- Meaning: Geshurites
- Note: demonyms of Geshur (Josh 12:5)
- Γετθαίμ
- Meaning: Avith, Gittaim
- Note: A town in territory of Benjamin or Moab
- Concord: Gen 36:35
- Γετθαίῳ
- Meaning: Gittite (Dat Sing)
- Note: Demonym of Gittaim
- Concord: Josh 13:3
- Γεφάρ
- Meaning: Ephah
- Note: Son of Midian
- Concord: Gen 25:4
- Γεῶν