Θα- names
- Θαάθ
- Θαανάχ
- Meaning: Taanach
- Note: city of the Canaanites, on the south-western border of the plain of Esdraelon, 6 km south of Megiddo (1Kings 4:12)
- Θαβασών
- Meaning: Tahtim
- Note: A name linked with Ἀδασαί which may be two towns (Tahtim Hodshi) or may be a translation of the Hebrew תַּחְתִּים חָדְשִׁי for "to the land of the Hittites unto Kadesh" (2Sam 24:6)
- Θαβώθ
- Meaning: Tabor
- Note: Border town in territory of Issachar (Josh 19:22)
- Θαβώρ
- Meaning: Tabor
- Note: Mt Tabor: A cone-like mountain 18 km west of the Sea of Galilee (Ps 89:12; Jer 46:18)
- Note: Town of Zebulum (1Chron 6:77)
- Note: Plain of Tabor or Oak of Tabor (1Sam 10:3)
- Θαγλάθ-φαλνασάρ
- Meaning: Tiglath-Pileser
- Note: King of Assyria (1Chron 5:6,26)
- Θαγλαθφελλασάρ
- Meaning: Tiglath-Pileser
- Note: King of Assyria (2Kings 15:29)
- Θαδδαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Thaddaeus
- Note: One of the apostles (Matt 10:3; Mark 3:18), called "Lebbaeus" in Matt 10:3 and Judas the brother of James (Luke 6:16) or Judas not Iscariot; also author of the epistle of Jude
- Forms:
- Θαέν
- Meaning: Tahan
- Note: Son of Telah (1Chron 7:25)
- Θαεσθέν
- Meaning: Telassar
- Note: a province in the south-east of Assyria, probably in Babylonia (2Kings 19:12)
- Θαιλάμ
- Meaning: Thailam
- Note: A place mentioned only in the LXX (2Sam 3:12)
- Θαιμάν
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Teman, Tema, Temeni, Dedan, Temanite, Tamar
- Note: Teman: Son of Eliphaz; grandson of Esau (Gen 36:11,15,42; 1Chron 1:36,53)
- Note: Tema: Son of Ishmael (Gen 25:15; 1Chron 1:30)
- Note: Temeni: Son of Ashhur and Naarah (1Chron 4:6)
- Note: Teman: A place in the south of Edom (Amos 1:12; Jer 49:7; Hab 3:3; Obadiah 9)
- Note: Teman: Son of Jokshan (Gen 25:3 LXX)
- Note: Tema: A place in Arabia (Isa 21:14)
- Note: Teman: Transliteration of תֵּימָנָה for south (Josh 12:3; 13:4; Ezek 21:2)
- Note: Tamar: Place on SE border of Palestine (Ezek 47:19; 48:28)
- Forms:
- Θαιμανίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Temanite
- Note: A native of Teman
- Forms:
- Θαιμανίτις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Temanite country
- Note: Country surrounding Teman
- Forms:
- Θακουάθ
- Meaning: Tokhath
- Note: Father of Shallum (2Chron 34:22)
- Θαλαβίν
- Meaning: Thalabin
- Note: LXX Vaticanus for Shaalbim (Judg 1:35)
- Θαλέ
- Meaning: Thale
- Note: Son of Resheph (1Chron 7:25)
- Θαλεές
- Meaning: Thale
- Note: Son of Resheph (1Chron 7:25)
- Θαλί
- Meaning: Athlai
- Note: Son of Bebai who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:28)
- Θαλλιά
- Meaning: Tabor
- Note: Town in the territory of Zebulun (1Chron 6:77)
- Θαλχά
- Meaning: Thalcha
- Note: City in tribe of Simeon mentioned only in LXX (Josh 19:7 LXX)
- Θαμανά
- Meaning: Timnah
- Note: Chief of Edom (1Chron 1:51)
- Θάμαρ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Tamar
- Note: Daughter-in-law of Judah, previously married to Er and Onan; played the harlot with Judah and became the mother of Perez and Zerah (Gen 38:6; Matt 1:3)
- Θαμασί
- Meaning: Thebez
- Note: city in Mt. Ephraim (2Sam 11:21)
- Θαμμούζ
- Meaning: Tammuz
- Note: Accadian sun-god (Ezek 8:14)
- Θαμνά
- Meaning: Timnah
- Note: Timna: Concubine of Eliphaz and mother of Amalek (Gen 36:12)
- Note: Timnah: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:57)
- Θαμναθά
- Meaning: Timnah
- Note: Timnah: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:57; 1Macc 9:50)
- Note: Timnah: City in the territory of Dan (Josh 19:43)
- Θαμναθαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Timnite
- Note: Native of Timnah (Judg 15:6)
- Forms:
- Θαμναθαρές
- Meaning: Timnath-Heres
- Note: Place where Joshua was buried in the mount of Ephraim (Judg 2:9)
- Θαμναθασαχαρά
- Meaning: Timnath Serah
- Note: City in the mountains of Ephraim given to Joshua (Josh 24:31)
- Θαμνασαράχ
- Meaning: Timnath Serah
- Note: City in the mountains of Ephraim given to Joshua (Josh 19:50)
- Θαμνασασάχ
- Meaning: Timnath-Serah
- Note: City in the mountains of Ephraim given to Joshua (Josh 24:31)
- Θαμνί
- Meaning: Timnite
- Note: Timnite: Resident of Timnah (Judg 15:6)
- Note: Tibni: Son of Ginath (1Kings 16:21)
- Θανά
- Meaning: Tehinnah
- Note: Son of Eshton (1Chron 4:12)
- Θαναάχ
- Meaning: Taanach
- Note: Royal city of the Canaanites (Judg 5:19 Vat)
- Θαναεμέθ
- Meaning: Tanhumeth
- Note: Father of Seraiah (Jer 40:8)
- Θανάκ
- Meaning: Taanach
- Note: Royal city of the Canaanites (Judg 1:27 Vat)
- Θαναμάθ
- Meaning: Tanhumeth
- Note: Father of Seraiah (2Kings 25:23)
- Θανεμάθ
- Meaning: Tanhumeth
- Note: Father of Seraiah (2Kings 25:23)
- Θανθαναί, Θανθαναΐ
- Meaning: Tattenai
- Note: Governor of the territory west of the Euphrates (Ezra 5:3)
- Θαπούς
- Meaning: Tappuah
- Note: Son of Hebron (1Chron 2:43)
- Θαπφούς
- Meaning: Tappuah, Thapphous
- Note: Son of Hebron
- Concord:
1Chron 2:43
- Θάρα
- Meaning: Terah
- Note: Son of Nahor and father of Abraham (Luke 3:34)
- Θαραβά
- Meaning: Tharaba
- Note: One of the seven eunuchs in the court of Ahasuerus (Esther 1:10)
- Θαραβαάμ
- Meaning: Beth Arabah
- Note: City of Judah in the wilderness (Josh 15:61)
- Θαρακά
- Meaning: Tirhakah
- Note: King of Ethiopia (Isa 37:9)
- Θαραλά
- Meaning: Taralah
- Note: City assigned to the territory of Benjamin (Josh 18:27)
- Θαράμ
- Meaning: Tirhanah, Tharam
- Note: Son of Caleb and Maachah
- Concord:
1Chron 2:48
- Θάραρ
- Meaning: Tamar
- Note: Mother of Perez and Zerah (Matt 1:3)
- Θαράχ
- Meaning: Tahrea, Tarea
- Note: Son of Micah (1Chron 8:35; 9:41)
- Θαργάλ
- Meaning: Tidal
- Note: A king of gentiles (possibly non-semitic people) (Gen 14:1,9)
- Θαργαθιΐμ
- Meaning: Tirathites
- Note: Family of descendants of Kenites who lived in Jabez (1Chron 2:55)
- Θαρεηλά
- Meaning: Taralah
- Note: City in the territory of Benjamin (Josh 18:27)
- Θαρθάκ
- Meaning: Tartak
- Note: One of the gods of the Avites (2Kings 17:31)
- Θαρθάν
- Meaning: Tartan
- Note: One of Sennacherib's messengers to Hezekiah (2Kings 18:17)
- Θαρρά
- Meaning: Tharra
- Note: One of the seven eunuchs in the court of Ahasuerus (Esther 1:10)
- Θαρσά
- Meaning: Tirzah
- Note: city of the Canaanites, which was destroyed by Joshua (Josh 12:24)
- Θαρσέας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Tarsus
- Note: Chief city of Cilicia (2Macc 3:5)
- Forms:
- Θαρσείς
- Meaning: Tharsis
- Note: Son of Jovan (1Chron 1:7)
- Θαρσιλά
- Meaning: Tirzah
- Note: Capital of Northern Israel after Samaria (2Kings 15:14)
- Θαρσί
- Meaning: Tharshish
- Note: Son of Bilhan (1Chron 7:10)
- Θαρσίς
- Meaning: Tarshish, Tarshisha, Tharsis
- Note: Tarshish: Son of Javan (Gen 10:4)
- Note: Tarshishah: Son of Javan (1Chron 1:7)
- Note: Tarshish: City on the seacoast (1Kings 10:22 LXX)
- Θαρχνά
- Meaning: Tirhanah
- Note: Son of Caleb and Maachah (1Chron 2:48)
- Θασιρί
- Meaning: Ashurites
- Note: those over whom Ish-bosheth was made king (2Sam 2:9)
- Θασμούς
- Meaning: Beth Shemesh
- Note: Town in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 19:38)
- Θασοβάν
- Meaning: Ezbon
- Note: Son of Gad (Gen 46:16)
- Θασσί
- Meaning: Thassi
- Note: Simon Thassi: son of Mattathias (1Macc 1:3)
- Θαφέθ
- Meaning: Tappuah
- Note: place on the border between Ephraim and Manasseh (Josh 17:8)
- Θαφθώθ
- Meaning: Tappuah
- Note: land adjoining the town, belonged to Manasseh, but the town itself belonged to Ephraim (Josh 17:7)
- Θαχχία
- Meaning: Tabor
- Note: Town in the territory of Zebulun (1Chron 6:77)