Θε- names
- Θέβες
- Meaning: Thebez
- Note: a place some 11 miles north-east of Shechem, on the road to Scythopolis (Judg 9:50)
- Θεγρί
- Meaning: Thegri, Segri
- Note: (Hermas Vision 4:2:4)
- Θεδεύος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Thedeutus
- Forms:
- Θεδμόρ
- Meaning: Tadmor
- Note: Place Solomon built for storage (2Chron 8:4)
- Θεεμάθ
- Meaning: Telassar
- Note: a province in the south-east of Assyria, probably in Babylonia (2Kings 19:12)
- Θεησοῦς
- Meaning: Theesous
- Note: Son of David (2Sam 5:16a)
- Θεθήρ
- Meaning: Thether
- Note: City in hill country of Judah (Josh 15:59a)
- Θείρας, Θειράς
- Parse: Name
- Meaning: Theiras, Thiras (1Chron 1:5)
- Θεκεμίνα
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Tahpenes
- Note: Queen of Egypt (1Kings 11:19)
- Forms:
- Θεκουέ
- Meaning: Tekoa, Tikvah
- Note: Tekoa: Town of Judah about 19 km south of Jerusalem (Jer 6:1)
- Note: Tikvah: Father of Shallum (2Kings 22:14)
- Note: Tikvah: Father of Jahaziah (Ezra 10:15)
- Θεκούμ
- Meaning: Eltekon
- Note: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:59)
- Θεκώ
- Meaning: Thecoe, Tekoa
- Note: Large area about 10 km south of Bethlehem and 16 km from Jerusalem (1Macc 9:33)
- Θεκωέ
- Meaning: Tekoa
- Note: Tekoa: Large area about 10 km south of Bethlehem and 16 km from Jerusalem (1Macc 9:33)
- Note: Tekoa: Son of Ashhur (1Chron 2:24)
- Θεκωί
- Meaning: Tekoite, Thecoite
- Note: demonym of Thecoe/Tekoa
- Θεκωίν, Θεκωΐμ
- Meaning: Tekoites
- Note: demonym of Tekoa (Neh 3:5)
- Θεκωίτης, Θεκωΐτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Tekoite
- Note: A native of Tekoa (2Sam 23:26)
- Θεκωῖτις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Tekoite woman
- Note: Person from Tekoa (2Sam 14:4)
- Θελαμίν, Θελαμί
- Meaning: Talmai
- Note: An Anakim of Hebron (Num 13:22)
- Θελαρησά
- Meaning: Tel Harsha
- Note: Town in Babylonia (Ezra 2:59)
- Θελερσάς
- Meaning: Thelersas
- Note: Hometown of some of those who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:36)
- Θελμελέθ
- Meaning: Tel Melah
- Note: Town in Babylonia (Ezra 2:59)
- Θελμελέχ
- Meaning: Tel Melah
- Note: Town in Babylonia (Ezra 2:59)
- Θεμά
- Meaning: Tamah
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:53)
- Θεμάδ
- Meaning: Telassar
- Note: Province in the south-east of Assyria, probably in Babylonia (Isa 37:12)
- Θεμάν
- Meaning: Temeni
- Note: Son of Naarah
- Concord:
1Chron 4:6
- Θεμμών
- Meaning: Kartan, Themmon
- Note: Levite city in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 21:32)
- Θεννάχ
- Meaning: Taanach
- Note: Royal city of the Canaanites (Judg 5:19)
- Θεοδέκτου
- Parse: Name
- Meaning: Theodektes
- Θεόδοτος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Theodotus
- Note: One of the three envoys sent by the Syrian general Nicanor to treat with the Jews under Judas during his invasion of Judea, 161 BC (2Macc 14:19)
- Note: Theodotus Hemiolius: General of king Antiochus III (3Macc 1:2)
- Forms:
- Θεόφιλος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Theophilus
- Note: A Roman to whom Luke dedicated his gospel and the Acts (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1)
- Forms:
- Θεράς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Theras
- Note: Tributary river of Euphrates (1Esdras 8:41)
- Forms:
- Θεράν Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- Θερά Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- Θεργαμά
- Meaning: Togarmah
- Note: A nation which traded in horses and mules at the fairs of Tyre (Ezek 27:14; 38:6)
- Θερεέ
- Meaning: Tarea
- Note: Son of Micah (1Chron 8:35)
- Θερμά
- Meaning: Therma
- Note: A boundary place not mentioned in MT (Josh 16:6)
- Θερμαί
- Meaning: Thermai
- Note: A place in the wilderness that Solomon built (1Kings 2:46d)
- Θερμελέθ
- Meaning: Thermeleth
- Note: Hometown of some of those who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:36)
- Θερσά
- Meaning: Tirzah
- Note: Daughter of Zelophehad (Num 26:37)
- Note: City 18 km north of Shechem (1Kings 15:21)
- Θεσβίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Tishbite
- Note: Designation of Elijah indicating a place (Thisbe) in the territory of Naphtali (Mal 4:5)
- Forms:
- Θεσβών, Θεσβῶν
- Meaning: Tishbite
- Note: Demonym of an inhabitant of Tishbe
- Concord: 1Kings 17:1
- Θεσσαλονικεύς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Thessalonian
- Note: Resident of Thessalonica (1Thess 1:1)
- Forms:
- Θεσσαλονίκη
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Thessalonica
- Note: Large city on Thermaic bay, capital of one of the four Roman districts of Macedonia. (Acts 17:1-4; 1Thess 1:9)
- Forms:
- Θεσσαμύς
- Meaning: Beth-Shemesh
- Note: City in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 19:38)
- Θευδᾶς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Theudas
- Note: Someone who lead an insurrection against Roman authority (Acts 5:36)
- Forms:
- Θευδᾶ Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- Θεφιά
- Meaning: Theria, Thephia
- Note: Son of Gesēl
- Concord:
1Chron 4:16