Μα- names
- Μααδαί
- Meaning: Moadiah
- Note: Priest who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant
- Concord: Neh 12:17
- Μααζία
- Meaning: Maaziah
- Note: Priest who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:9)
- Μάαθ, Μαάθ
- Meaning: Maath
- Note: Maath: Son of Mattathiah and father of Naggai (Luke 3:26)
- Note: Mahath: son of Amasai (2Chron 29:12)
- Note: Mahath: Levite under Cononiah to collect offerings (2Chron 31:13)
- Μααλά
- Meaning: Mahlah
- Note: Daughter of Zelophehad (Num 36:11)
- Μααλάθ
- Meaning: Maalath
- Note: An unidentified city of Judah in the Negeb (1Kings 4:16)
- Note: Transliteration of which means Bealoth (1Kings 4:16)
- Μααλλών
- Meaning: Millo
- Note: Beth-Millo: name of a rampart in Shechem (Judg 9:20)
- Μααλών
- Μαάν
- Meaning: Jokneam
- Note: Jokneam: Levite city in the territory of Zebulun (Josh 21:34)
- Note: Maon: town in the tribe of Judah, about 11 km south of Hebron (1Sam 23:24)
- Μααναίμ, Μααναΐμ
- Meaning: Mahanaim
- Note: City east of Jordan assigned to the half tribe of Manasseh (Josh 13:30)
- Note: City in territory of Gad (1Chron 6:80; 1Kings 4:14)
- Μααναίν, Μααναΐν
- Meaning: Mahanaim
- Note: City assigned to Gad (Josh 13:26; 1Kings 4:14)
- Μαανί
- Meaning: Maani
- Note: Head of family of those who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:31)
- Μααραγαβέ
- Meaning: Maaragabe
- Note: LXX Vaticanus transliterates which means plain of Geba (Judg 20:33)
- Μαάς
- Meaning: Maaz
- Note: Son of Ram (1Chron 2:27)
- Μαασά
- Meaning: Mishal
- Note: City in the territory of Asher (Josh 19:26)
- Μαασαί
- Meaning: Maaziah
- Note: The chief of the 24 of the 24 courses of priests (1Chron 24:18)
- Μαασαιά, Μαασαία
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: One of the leaders of the people who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:26)
- Note: Son of Pashhur (Ezra 10:22)
- Note: Maasai: son of Adiel (1Chron 9:12)
- Note: Maaseiah: Levite leader (1Chron 15:18)
- Note: Maaseiah: son of Adaiah (2Chron 23:1)
- Μαασαίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maaseiah, Mahseiah
- Note: Father of Neriah, grandfather of Baruch (Jer 32:12; Baruch 1:1)
- Note: Maaseiah: Father of Zephaniah (Jer 21:1)
- Note: Maaseiah: father of Neriah (Jer 51:59)
- Note: Maaseiah: Levite singer (1Chron 15:20)
- Note: Maaseiah: son of Ahaz (2Chron 28:7)
- Forms:
- Μαασάλ
- Meaning: Mashal, Mishal
- Note: Town in the territory of Asher (1Chron 6:74; Josh 19:26)
- Μαασηά
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Brother of Jeshua son of Jozadak (Ezra 10:18)
- Note: Son of Ananiah and father of Azariah (Neh 3:23)
- Μαασία
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Maaseiah: Son of Baruch (Neh 11:5)
- Note: Baaseiah: son of Malchijah and father of Michael (1Chron 6:40)
- Μαασίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: One of two priests in the days of Nehemiah (Neh 12:41,42)
- Forms:
- Μαασίου
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Ruler under Uzziah
- Concord: 2Chron 26:11
- Μαασμάν
- Meaning: Maasman
- Note: Man Esdras sent to captain Saddeus (1Esdras 8:43)
- Μααταρωθορέχ
- Meaning: Ataroth Addar
- Note: A place on the boundary between Ephraim and Benjamin, toward the West (Josh 18:13)
- Μααχαθί
- Meaning: Maachathite
- Note: Son of Ahasbai
- Concord: REF
- Μααχώς
- Meaning: Maachos
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:40 LXX)
- Μααχά
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Maacah
- Note: Maacah: mother of Absalom (2Sam 3:3)
- Note: Maacah: small Syrian kingdom near Geshur, east of the Hauran (2Sam 10:6)
- Note: Maacah: daughter of Talmai (2Sam 3:3)
- Note: Maacah: Father of Hanan, David's bodyguard (1Chron 11:43)
- Note: Maacah: father of Achish, king of Gath (1Kings 2:39)
- Note: Maachah: granddaughter of Absalom and wife of Rehoboam (2Chron 11:21)
- Forms:
- Μααχατί
- Meaning: Maachathite
- Note: Demonym of Maacah (2Sam 23:34)
- Μαβασάμ
- Meaning: Mibsam
- Note: Descendant of Simeon, son of Shallum (1Chron 4:25)
- Μαβδαρίτιδι
- Meaning: Madbaris
- Note: Name of the wilderness through which Israel came out of Egypt
- Concord: Josh 5:5
- Μαβδαρῖτις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Mabdaris
- Note: Some texts reverse the 3rd and 4th letters: Μαδβαρῖτις (Josh 18:12)
- Note: Name of the wilderness (Josh 5:6)
- Forms:
- Μαβσάμ
- Meaning: Mibsam
- Note: Son of Ishmael (1Chron 1:29)
- Μαβσάν
- Meaning: Mibsam
- Note: Son of Ishmael (1Chron 1:29)
- Μαβσάρ
- Meaning: Mibzar
- Note: One of Edom's chiefs (1Chron 1:53)
- Μαγαδαγάδ
- Meaning: Migdal-Gad
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:37)
- Μαγαδάν
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Magdala
- Note: Town in Judea on the western shore of Lake Tiberias (Matt 15:39)
- Μαγαρώθ
- Meaning: Maarath
- Note: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:59)
- Μαγαφής
- Meaning: Magpiash
- Note: One of the leaders of the people who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:21)
- Μαγαὼ
- Parse: Name
- Meaning: Magaō
- Μαγγεδώ
- Meaning: Megiddo
- Note: City in territory of Manasseh
- Concord: Isa 10:29
- Μαγδαλά
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Magdala
- Note: Town in Judea on the western shore of Lake Tiberias (Matt 15:39)
- Μαγδαλγάδ
- Meaning: Migdal Gad
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:37)
- Μαγδαληνή
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Magdalene
- Note: Surname of Mary from Magdala, a town in Galilee (John 19:25)
- Forms:
- Μαγδαλιήλ
- Meaning: Migdal El
- Note: Town in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 19:38)
- Μαγδά
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Megiddo
- Note: City in territory of Manasseh (1Kings 10:22a)
- Forms:
- Μαγδώ
- Meaning: Magdo
- Note: City which Solomon built (1Kings 2:35i LXX); See Migron
- Μάγδωλος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Migdol, Magdolon
- Note: Camp spot during the Exodus (Ex 14:2)
- Note: A strongly-fortified place 19 km from Pelusium, in the north of Egypt (Jer 44:1; 46:14)
- Forms:
- Μαγδών
- Meaning: Migron
- Note: a place between Aiath and Michmash (Isa 10:28)
- Note: another place of the same name south of the above town (1Sam 14:2)
- Μαγεβώς
- Meaning: Magbish
- Note: town in Benjamin, 156 of the inhabitants of which are said to have returned from exile with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:30)
- Μαγεβίς
- Meaning: Magbish
- Note: town in Benjamin, 156 of the inhabitants of which are said to have returned from exile with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:30)
- Μαγεδδαούς
- Meaning: Megiddo, Megiddon
- Note: Town in territory Manasseh (1Esdras 1:27)
- Μαγεδδώ
- Meaning: Mageddο, Megiddo
- Note: Town in territory Manasseh (Josh 17:11)
- Μαγεδδών
- Meaning: Megiddo
- Note: Town in territory Manasseh (2Kings 9:27)
- Μαγεδώ
- Meaning: Migron
- Note: A precipice between Aiath and Michmash (Isa 10:28; Judg 1:27 Vaticanus)
- Μαγεδών
- Meaning: Megiddo
- Note: Royal Canaanite city assigned to Manasseh (Josh 12:22)
- Μαγνησία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Magnesia
- Note: SE area of Thessaly in central Greece; the capital is Volos (Ign-Magn 1:1)
- Forms:
- Μαγώγ
- Meaning: Magog
- Note: An enemy nation (Ezek 38-39; Rev 20:8)
- Note: Son of Japheth (Gen 10:2)
- Μαδαί
- Meaning: Madai, Madaim
- Note: Son of Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Chron 1:8)
- Μαδαΐμ, Μαδάιμ
- Meaning: Madai, Madaim
- Note: Son of Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Chron 1:8)
- Μαδάλ
- Meaning: Medan, Madam
- Note: Son of Abraham and Keturah (Gen 25:2)
- Μαδάμ
- Meaning: Medan, Madam
- Note: Son of Abraham and Keturah (Gen 25:2; 1Chron 1:32)
- Μαδάν
- Meaning: Medan, Madam
- Note: Son of Abraham and Keturah (Gen 25:2)
- Μαδβαρῖτις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Madbaris
- Note: Some texts reverse the 3rd and 4th letters: Μαβδαρίτιδι (Josh 5:5); Μαβδαρῖτις (Josh 18:12)
- Note: Name of the wilderness (Josh 5:6)
- Forms:
- Μαδεβηνά
- Meaning: Madmenah
- Note: A town in the territory of Benjamin just north of Jerusalem (Isa 10:31)
- Μαγεδιήλ
- Meaning: Magdiel
- Note: One of Esau's chiefs
- Concord:
Gen 36:43; 1Chron 1:54
- Μαδιάμ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined
- Meaning: Midian: district of Arabia Petraea
- Note: Son of Abraham and Keturah (Gen 25:2)
- Μαδιάν
- Meaning: Madian
- Note: Midian: district of Arabia Petraea (Num 25:15)
- Μαδιανίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Midianite
- Note: Arabs who lived in the north section of the Arabian peninsula
- Forms:
- Μαδιανίτις
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Midianite
- Note: Descendants of Midian the son of Abraham and Keturah (Num 25:6)
- Forms:
- Μαδιηναῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Midianites
- Note: Arabian tribe descended from Midian (Gen 37:28)
- Forms:
- Μαδοί
- Μαδών
- Meaning: Madon, Middin
- Note: Madon: Transliteration of which means measure, size (2Sam 21:19)
- Note: Middin: a town in the wilderness (Josh 15:61)
- Μαεβέρ
- Meaning: Maeber
- Note: Not a proper noun. Transliteration of means from across (1Kings 4:12)
- Μαελά
- Meaning: Mahlah
- Note: Son of Hammoleketh (1Chron 7:18)
- Μαελέθ
- Meaning: Mahalath
- Note: The daughter of Ishmael, and third wife of Esau (Gen. 28:9); called also Bashemath (Gen. 36:3)
- Note: A musical notation (Ps 52/53 intro; Ps 87/88 intro)
- Μαεφλά
- Meaning: Mephaath
- Note: City in the territory of Reuben
- Concord: 1Chron 6:79
- Μαζάρ
- Meaning: Mibzar
- Note: One of Esau's chiefs (Gen 36:42)
- Μαζεβήλ
- Meaning: Meshezabeel
- Note: Father of Berechiah
- Concord: Neh 3:4
- Μαζιτίας
- Meaning: Mazitias
- Note: Nooma's descendant who had married a foreign wife (1Ezdras 9:35)
- Μαηλών
- Meaning: Maelon
- Note: Transliteration of which means from oak tree, terebinth tree (Josh 19:33)
- Μαηρός
- Meaning: Maerus
- Note: Descendant of Bani (1Esdras 9:34)
- Μαθαθά
- Meaning: Mattattah
- Note: Son of Hashum who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:33)
- Μαθαθία
- Meaning: Mattithiah
- Note: Son of Nebo (Ezra 10:43)
- Μαθάν, Μάθαν
- Meaning: Mattan
- Note: Father of Shephatiah (Jer 38:1)
- Μαθαναί
- Meaning: Mattenai
- Note: Son of Bani who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:37)
- Μαθανί
- Meaning: Mattenai
- Note: Son of Hashum who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:33)
- Μαθανία
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Son of Bani who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:37)
- Note: Son of Elam who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:26)
- Note: Son of Zattu who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:27)
- Note: Son of Pahath-Moab who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:30)
- Note: Son of Micha (Neh 11:17)
- Note: Father of Zaccur (Neh 13:13)
- Μαθεκκά
- Meaning: Mathekka, Mathecca
- Μαθθαῖον
- Meaning: Matthew
- Note: One of the 12 apostles (Luke 6:15)
- Μαθθαῖος
- Meaning: Matthew
- Note: Son of Alphaeus; tax-gatherer at Capernaum (Matt 9:9; Acts 1:13)
- Μαθθαναί
- Meaning: Mattenai
- Note: the head of a priestly house in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:19)
- Μαθθανίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Uncle of Jehoiachin; his name was changed to Zedekiah (2Kings 24:17)
- Note: Son of Asaph (2Chron 29:13)
- Forms:
- Μαθθάτ
- Meaning: Matthat
- Note: Father of Heli and son of Levi (Luke 3:24)
- Note: Son of Jorim and father of Levi (Luke 3:29)
- Μαθθίαν
- Meaning: Matthias
- Note: The man who was selected to fill the vacancy made by Judas Iscariot's death (Acts 1:23)
- Μαθθουσάλα
- Meaning: Methuselah
- Note: Methushael: Son of Mehujael and father of Lamech (Gen 4:18)
- Note: Methuselah: Son of Enoch and father of Lamech (1Chron 1:3; Luke 3:37)
- Μαθουσάλα, Μαθουσαλά
- Meaning: Methuselah
- Note: Methushael: Son of Mehujael and father of Lamech (Gen 4:18)
- Note: Methuselah: Son of Enoch and father of Lamech (1Chron 1:3; Luke 3:37)
- Μαίανδρος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maeander (river)
- Note: River in SW Asia Minor (Turkey) (Ign-Magn 1:0)
- Forms:
- Μαιανί
- Meaning: Maiani
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:34)
- Μαιαννάς
- Meaning: Maiannas
- Note: One of the Levitical teachers (1Esdras 9:48)
- Μαιδαβά
- Meaning: Medeba
- Note: Moabite town assigned to tribe of Reuben (Josh 13:9)
- Μαιζοόβ
- Meaning: Mezahab
- Note: Father of Matred (Gen 36:39)
- Μαιζοώβ
- Meaning: Mezahab
- Note: Father of Matred (Gen 36:39)
- Μαιήλ
- Meaning: Mehujael
- Note: Son of Irad and father of Methushael (Gen 3:18)
- Μαινάμ
- Meaning: Mainam
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:24 LXX)
- Μαϊνάν
- Meaning: Menan, Mennah, Mainan
- Note: Son of Mattathah and father of Melea (Luke 3:31)
- Μαισά
- Meaning: Moza
- Note: Son of Zimri (1Chron 8:36)
- Μαισαλώθ
- Meaning: Mesaloth
- Note: Place near Arbela (1Macc 9:2)
- Μαιτεβεήλ
- Meaning: Mehetabel
- Note: Wife of Hadar and daughter of Matred (Gen 36:40)
- Μακαλώθ
- Meaning: Mikloth
- Note: Son of Gibeon and Maacah; father of Shimeah (1Chron 8:32)
- Μακαλών
- Meaning: Macalon
- Note: Hometown of 122 who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:21)
- Μακέδ
- Meaning: Maked
- Note: A strong city east of Jordon (1Macc 5:26)
- Μακεδονία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Macedonia
- Note: Roman province north of Greece (Acts 16:9; Titus 3 subscript)
- Forms:
- Μακεδών
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Macedonian, native of Macedonia
- Note: Macedonian: native of Macedonia
- Note: Macedonia: Roman province north of Greece
- Forms:
- Μακελλάθ
- Meaning: Kehelathah
- Note: A desert camp of the Israelites between Rissah and Mt. Shepher (Num 33:22)
- Μακελλώθ
- Meaning: Mikloth
- Note: Descendant of Gibeon (1Chron 9:37)
- Μακελώθ
- Meaning: Mikloth
- Note: Son of Gibeon and Maacah; father of Shimeah (1Chron 8:32)
- Note: Descendant of Gibeon (1Chron 9:37)
- Μακενία
- Meaning: Mikneiah
- Note: Levite leader (1Chron 15:18)
- Μακενίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mikneiah
- Note: Levite musician (1Chron 15:21)
- Μακηδά
- Meaning: Makkedah
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:41)
- Μακηδάν
- Meaning: Makkedah
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:41)
- Μακηλώθ
- Meaning: Makheloth
- Note: A desert camp of the Israelites between Haradah and Tahath (Num 33:25)
- Μακκαβαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maccabeus, Maccabees
- Note: Family of those who fought to preserve Jewish independence from encroaching nations
- Note: Judas Maccabeus: son of Mattathias (1Macc 2:4)
- Forms:
- Μάκρων
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Macron
- Note: Macron, i.e., "the Great" (2Macc 10:12)
- Μακχί
- Meaning: Machi
- Note: Father of Geuel from the tribe of Gad (Num 13:15)
- Μάλ
- Meaning: Mahol
- Note: father of the 4 sages reputed next in wisdom to Solomon (1Kings 5:11)
- Μαλά
- Meaning: Mala
- Note: Daughter of Zelophehad (Num 26:37)
- Μαλαθί
- Meaning: Manahethites
- Note: Descendants of Salma
- Concord:
1Chron 2:54
- Μαλάχ
- Meaning: Melech
- Note: Son of Micah (1Chron 9:41)
- Μαλελήλ
- Meaning: Malelel
- Note: Malelel: Ancestor of Athaiah, one of the descendants of Judah who lived in Jerusalem after the captivity (Neh 11:4)
- Note: Mahalalel: father of Shephatiah (Neh 11:4)
- Μαλελεήλ
- Meaning: Mahalalel, Maleleel
- Note: Son of Cainan and father of Jared (Luke 3:37)
- Μαλεχέθ
- Meaning: Hammoleketh
- Note: daughter of Machir and sister of Gilead (1Chron 7:18)
- Μαλησεάρ
- Meaning: Malisear
- Note: One of the seven princes of Persia and Media under Ahasuerus (Est 1:14)
- Μαλληθί
- Meaning: Mallothi
- Note: Son of Heman (1Chron 25:4)
- Μαλλιθί
- Meaning: Mallothi
- Note: Son of Heman
- Concord: 1Chron 25:4
- Μαλλώ
- Meaning: Millo
- Note: Fortification, fortress (2Kings 12:20)
- Μαλλώται
- Parse: Noun: Nom Plur Fem
- Meaning: Mallus
- Note: City in Cilicia (2Macc 4:30)
- Forms:
- Μαλούχ
- Meaning: Malluch
- Note: Priest who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:5)
- Note: One of the leaders of the people who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:28)
- Note: Son of Bani who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:29)
- Note: Son of Harim who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:32)
- Note: Melichu: head of a household in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:14)
- Μαλτανναιός
- Meaning: Mattenai, Maltannaius
- Note: Hashum's descendant who had married a foreign wife (1Esdras 9:33)
- Μαλτίας
- Meaning: Maltias
- Note: Neh 3:7
- Μαλχία
- Meaning: Malchijah
- Note: Father of Pashur (1Chron 9:12)
- Μάλχος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Malchus
- Note: Personal servant of Caiaphas, the high priest (John 18:10)
- Forms:
- Μαλώχ
- Meaning: Malluch
- Note: Son of Hashabiah and father of Abdi (1Chron 6:45)
- Μαμβρῆ, Μαμβρῇ
- Meaning: Mamre
- Note: An oak grove, grove of terebinth trees near Hebron (Gen 13:18)
- Note: An Amoritish chief in alliance with Abraham (Gen 14:13)
- Μαμδαί
- Meaning: Mamdai
- Note: Descendant of Bani (1Esdras 9:34)
- Μαμνιταναίμος
- Meaning: Mamitanemus
- Note: Descendant of Bani (1Esdras 9:34)
- Μαμούχος
- Meaning: Mamuchus
- Note: Mani's descendant who had married a foreign wife (1Esdras 9:30)
- Μαμφίμ
- Meaning: Muppim
- Note: Muppim: Son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21)
- Note: Shuppim: brother of Huppim and Maachah (1Chron 7:15)
- Μαμφίν
- Meaning: Muppim
- Note: Muppim: Son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21)
- Note: Shuppim: brother of Huppim and Maachah (1Chron 7:15)
- Μάν
- Meaning: Manna
- Note: Name of the miraculous food provided in the wilderness (Ex 16:31)
- Note: Hebrew:
- Μαναέμ
- Meaning: Mahanaim
- Note: place near the Jabbok, beyond Jordan (2Sam 2:8)
- Μαναήμ
- Meaning: Menahem
- Note: Son of Gadi (2Kings 15:14)
- Μαναήν
- Meaning: Manaen
- Note: Christian teacher in Antioch who was educated with Herod Antipas (Acts 13:1)
- Μαναθί
- Meaning: Manahethites, Meonothai
- Note: Descendants of Salma (1Chron 2:54)
- Note: Son of Othniel and father of Ophrah (1Chron 4:14)
- Μαναΐμ
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Manaim
- Note: An account that Manaim's mother was raised from the dead (Pap 5:7)
- Note: Mahanaim: place near the Jabbok, beyond Jordan (2Sam 17:24)
- Forms:
- Μανασσή
- Meaning: Manassē, Manasseh
- Note: Son of Ishmael (1Chron 1:30)
- Μανασσηάς
- Meaning: Manasseas
- Note: Descendant of Addi (1Esdras 9:31)
- Μανασσῆς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Manasseh
- Note: First son of Joseph and Asenath born in Egypt (Gen 41:51)
- Note: Hashum's descendant who had married a foreign wife (Ezra 10:33; 1Esdras 9:33)
- Note: Son of Hezekiah and Hephzibah (2Kings 21:1); father of Amon (Matt 1:10)
- Note: Husband of Judith (Judith 8:2)
- Note: Son of Pahath-Moab who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:30)
- Forms:
- Μαναχάθ
- Meaning: Manahath
- Note: Son of Shobal (Gen 36:23)
- Μαναχαθί
- Meaning: Manahath
- Note: A place to which certain Benjamites, victims, apparently, of intra-tribal jealousy, were carried captive (1Chron 8:6)
- Μανής
- Meaning: Manes
- Note: Son of Immer (1Esdras 9:21)
- Μανθαναίν, Μανθαναείν
- Meaning: Mattanah
- Note: A place of Israel's wilderness wandering (Numbers 21:18)
- Μανθανιάς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Manthanias, Matthanias, Mattaniah
- Note: Son of Micah (1Chron 9:15)
- Note: Leader of the ninth band of musicians who served in the sanctuary (1Chron 25:16)
- Note: Levite father of Jeiel (2Cron 20:14)
- Forms:
- Μανί
- Meaning: Mani
- Note: Head of family of men who had foreign wives (1Esdras 9:30)
- Μάνιος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Manius
- Note: Titus Manius: One of two legates who carried a letter to the Jews (2Macc 11:34)
- Μαννάς
- Meaning: Adna, Mannas
- Note: Head of the family of Harim
- Concord: Neh 12:15
- Μανοχώ
- Meaning: Manocho
- Note: City in hill country of Judah (Josh 15:59a)
- Μανωέ
- Meaning: Manoah
- Note: Father of Samuel (Judg 13:2)
- Μάξιμος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maximus
- Note: (Hermas Vision 2:3:4)
- Forms:
- Μαουδά
- Meaning: Mehida
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:52)
- Μαουέκ
- Meaning: Maouec
- Note: LXX takes to be a proper noun, but it means stronghold (Judg 6:26 Vat)
- Μαραγελλά
- Meaning: Maralah
- Note: City on west border of Zebulun (Josh 19:11)
- Μαραιώθ, Μαραϊώθ
- Meaning: Maraioth
- Note: Son of Ahitub and father of Zadok (1Chron 9:11)
- Μαραιά
- Meaning: Maraiah
- Note: the head of a priestly house in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:12)
- Μαραλά
- Meaning: Maralah
- Note: A place on the western border of Zebulun (Josh 19:11)
- Μαρδοχαϊκός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Mardocheus
- Note: One of the Jewish leaders who accompanied Zerubbabel on the return from Babylon to Judah (1 Esdras 5:8, where it stands for "Mordecai" of Ezra 2:2 and Nehemiah 7:7)
- Note: Another form of Mordecai, the uncle of Esther (2Macc 15:36)
- Forms:
- Μαρδοχαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mardochaios, Mordecai
- Note: One of the men who guided those who came with Zorobabel out of Babylon (Ezra 2:2; 1Esdras 5:8)
- Note: Son of Jair from the tribe of Benjamin and uncle (or cousin) of Esther (Est 1:1)
- Forms:
- Μαρέθ
- Meaning: Mareth
- Note: Son of Jether or Mered (1Chron 4:17)
- Μαρεώθ
- Meaning: Meraioth
- Note: Son of Zerahiah and father of Azariah (Ezra 7:3)
- Μαρερώθ
- Meaning: Meraioth
- Note: Son of Zerahiah and father of Azariah (Ezra 7:3)
- Μαρησά
- Meaning: Mareshah
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:44)
- Note: Son of Laadah (1Chron 4:21)
- Μάρθα
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Martha
- Note: Sister of Lazarus and Mary (John 11:1-39)
- Forms:
- Μαρί
- Meaning: Bariah
- Note: Son of Shemaiah (1Chron 3:22)
- Μαρία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Mary
- Note: Virgin Mary: wife of Joseph, mother of Jesus (Matt 2:11; Acts 1:14; Ign-Eph 7:2)
- Note: Mary Magdalene, Mary of Magdala (Matt 27:55; Mark 15:41; Luke 23:55)
- Note: Mary the sister of Lazarus and Martha (John 11:1)
- Note: Mary the wife of Cleopas (Clopas) (John 19:25)
- Note: Mary the mother of John Mark, sister of Barnabas (Acts 12:12; Col 4:10)
- Note: A Christian in Rome who was kind to Paul (Rom 16:6)
- Forms:
- Μαριάμ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Miram
- Note: Daughter of Amram and Jochebed; sister of Moses and Aaron
- Note: Mary, a Christian in Rome who was kind to Paul (Rom 16:6)
- Note: Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus and His brothers (Acts 1:14)
- Μαριβαάλ
- Meaning: Merib-Baal
- Note: Son of Jonathan (1Chron 9:40)
- Μαριήλ
- Μαριμώθ
- Meaning: Meribah
- Note: The southern limit of Ezekiel's ideal land of Israel (Ezek 47:19)
- Μαρισά
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Mareshah, Marisa
- Note: Mareshah: A city Rehoboam built (2Chron 11:8; 14:10; 20:37)
- Note: Marisa: Possibly the same as Mareshah (1Macc 5:66)
- Note: Mesha: son of Caleb and father of Ziph (1Chron 2:42)
- Note: Mareshah: (1Chron 2:42)
- Forms:
- Μαριώθ
- Meaning: Maraioth
- Note: Son of Ahitub and father of Zadok (Neh 11:11)
- Note: the head of a priestly house in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:15)
- Μαρκιωνισταί
- Meaning: Marcionite
- Note: The follower of Marcion (Mart-Pol epilog)
- Μαρκίωνος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Marcion
- Note: The reporter of Polycarp's martyrdom (Mart-Pol 20:1)
- Forms:
- Μάρκος, Μᾶρκος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mark
- Note: The evangelist: John Mark. He was Peter's interpreter in writing his gospel account (Acts 12:12,25; Pap 3:14,15)
- Forms:
- Μάρκον, Μᾶρκον Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- Μάρκου Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- Μαρμασαιμα
- Meaning: Marmasaima
- Note: Son of Haman, Est 9:9L
- Μαρμηνά
- Meaning: Madmannah
- Note: Son of Shaaph (1Chron 2:49)
- Μαρμωθί
- Meaning: Marmoth
- Note: The priest the son of Urias" to whom were committed the silver and gold for the temple by the returning exiles (1 Esdras 8:62)
- Μαρμά
- Μαρμασιμά
- Meaning: Parmashta
- Note: One of the ten sons of Haman (Est 9:9)
- Μαρρών
- Meaning: Madon
- Note: Madon: Canaanite city in north Palestine (Josh 11:1)
- Note: One of the cities Joshua conquered (Josh 12:20)
- Μαρωδάχ
- Meaning: Merodach
- Note: Babylonian god (Jer 50:2)
- Μαρωδαχβαλαδάν
- Meaning: Berodach-Baladan
- Note: King of Babylon (2Kings 20:12)
- Μαρώζ
- Meaning: Meroz
- Note: a plain in the north of Palestine (Judg 5:23)
- Μαρώθ
- Meaning: Maarath
- Note: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:59)
- Μαρών
- Meaning: Miriam
- Note: Child of Mered (1Chron 4:17)
- Meaning: Maron, Madon
- Note: One of the cities Joshua conquered (Josh 12:20)
- Μασά
- Meaning: Moza
- Note: Son of Zimri and father of Binea (1Chron 9:42)
- Μασαήλ
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Son of Harim (Ezra 10:21)
- Μασαία
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Son of Harim (Ezra 10:21)
- Note: Benjamite son of Ithiel and father of Kolaiah (Neh 11:7)
- Μασαίας
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Levite singer
- Concord: 1Chron 15:20
- Μασάλ
- Meaning: Mashal, Mishal
- Note: Town in the territory of Asher (1Chron 6:74; Josh 19:26)
- Μασαλαμί
- Meaning: Meshelemiah
- Note: Father of Zechariah (1Chron 9:21)
- Μασβάκ
- Meaning: Betah
- Note: City of Hadadezer (2Sam 8:8)
- Note: LXX misreads and the initial preposition
- Μασεζεβήλ
- Meaning: Meshezabel
- Note: Father of Berechiah (Neh 3:4)
- Μασέκ
- Meaning: Masek
- Note: LXX takes to be a name, but it is an obscure word meaning "possession." (Gen 15:2)
- Μασέκκας, Μασεκκᾶς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Masrekah
- Note: Place in Edom and home of King Samlah (Gen 36:36; 1Chron 1:47)
- Μασελμώθ
- Meaning: Meshillemith
- Note: Son of Immer and father of Meshullam (1Chron 9:12)
- Μασεμαννή
- Meaning: Mishmannah
- Note: Gadite man in David's army (1Chron 12:11)
- Μασερεφωθμαίμ, Μασερεφωθαίμ
- Meaning: Misrephoth brook
- Note: place to which Joshua pursued a party of Canaanites after the defeat of Jabin (Josh 13:6)
- Μασερέμ
- Meaning: Maserem
- Note: LXX transliterates and reads it as a proper noun, but it means stronghold, fastness (1Sam 23:14)
- Μασερών
- Meaning: Misrephoth
- Note: Place to which Joshua chased the various tribes, which were confederated under Jabin, after their defeat at the waters of Merom (Josh 11:8)
- Μασηά
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Son of Pahath-Moab who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:30)
- Μασηάς
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Descendant of Jeshua (1Esdras 9:19)
- Μασιάς
- Meaning: Masias
- Note: Head of family of those who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:34)
- Μασμά
- Meaning: Mishma
- Note: Son of Ishmael (Gen 25:14)
- Note: Son of Mibsam (1Chron 4:26)
- Μασμανά
- Meaning: Mishmannah
- Note: Gadite man in David's army (1Chron 12:11)
- Μασουρούθ
- Meaning: Moseroth
- Note: A desert camp of the Israelites between Hashmonah and Bene-jaakan (Num 33:30)
- Μασσά
- Meaning: Massam
- Note: Son of Ishmael (1Chron 1:29)
- Μασσαλήμ
- Meaning: Meshullam
- Note: Son of Shephatiah (1Chron 9:8)
- Μασσάμ
- Meaning: Mibsam
- Note: Son of Ishmael (Gen 25:13)
- Μασσῆ, Μασσή
- Meaning: Mesha, Massa, Massē
- Note: Mesha: A plain in that part of the boundaries of Arabia inhabited by the descendants of Joktan (Gen 10:30)
- Note: Massa: Son of Ishmael (Gen 25:14; 1Chron 1:30)
- Μασσημά
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: One of the cities in the tribe of Benjamin (Josh 18:26)
- Μασσηφά, Μασσηφᾷ
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: Ramath-Mizpeh: a place in Gilead (Josh 13:26)
- Note: Town in Gilead where Jephthah lived (Judg 10:17)
- Note: Another town at the foot of Mount Hermon inhabited by Hivites (Josh 11:3,8)
- Note: A town of Moab to which David sent his parents when he was persecuted by Saul (1Sam 22:3)
- Note: City of Benjamin where people met for national emergencies (Josh 18:26)
- Μασσηφάθ
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: Town in Gilead (1Sam 7:5)
- Μασσίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Maaseiah
- Note: Son of Pashhur (1Esdras 9:22)
- Μασσουρούθ
- Meaning: Moseroth
- Note: A desert camp of the Israelites between Hashmonah and Bene-jaakan (Num 33:30)
- Μασσώχ
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: Place in Gilead, at the foot of Mount Hermon, inhabited by Hivites (Josh 11:8)
- Μασφά
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:38)
- Μασφαί
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: An area of Jerusalem
- Concord: Neh 3:19
- Μασφάρ
- Meaning: Mispar
- Note: one who came out with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:2; Neh 7:7)
- Μασφαράθ
- Meaning: Mispereth
- Note: One of those who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Neh 7:7)
- Μασφασσάτ
- Meaning: Masphassat
- Note: Transliteration of meaning city of the fortress of (Josh 19:29)
- Μασφέ
- Meaning: Mizpah
- Note: (Neh 3:19)
- Ματανίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Elam's descendant who had married a foreign wife (1Esdras 9:27)
- Ματεκκά
- Meaning: Mithkah
- Note: A desert camp of the Israelites between Terah and Hashmonah (Num 33:28)
- Ματθαθά
- Meaning: Mattathah
- Note: Son of Hashum who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:33)
- Ματθαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Matthew
- Note: An apostle and former tax collector (Matt 9:9)
- Forms:
- Ματθάν
- Meaning: Matthan
- Note: Matthan: Son of Eleazar and father of Jacob (Matt 1:15)
- Note: Mattan: Priest of Baal (2Kings 11:18)
- Concord: Ezra 10:27
- Ματθαναΐ
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Son of Zattu
- Note: Son of Bani
- Concord: Ezra 10:37
- Ματθανία
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Son of Elam
- Concord: Ezra 10:26
- Ματθανίαν
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Uncle of Jehoiachin; his name was changed to Zedekiah
- Concord: 2Kings 24:17
- Ματθανίας
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Son of Micah; Son of Heman; Son of Asaph; Son of Nebo; Son of Micha
- Concord: 1Chron 9:15; 25:4, 16; 2Chron 29:13; Ezra 10:43; Neh 11:17
- Ματθανίου (Gen Sing)
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: Father of Jeiel
- Concord: 2Chron 20:14
- Ματθάτ
- Meaning: Matthat
- Note: Son of Levi (Luke 3:24 TR)
- Ματθανί
- Meaning: Mithnite
- Note: Designation of Joshaphat (1Chron 11:43)
- Ματθίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Matthias
- Note: Man selected by lot to replace the vacancy left by Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:23; Pap 3:10)
- Forms:
- Ματραίθ, Ματραΐθ
- Meaning: Matred
- Note: Mother of Mehetabel (Gen 36:39)
- Ματταθά
- Meaning: Mattathah
- Note: Son of Nathan and father of Menan (Luke 3:31)
- Ματταθία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mattithiah
- Note: Levite leader (1Chron 15:18)
- Ματταθίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Mattattah, Mattathias
- Note: Mattithiah: Levite son of Shallum (1Chron 9:31; 15:21; 16:5)
- Note: Hashum's descendant who had married a foreign wife (1Esdras 9:33)
- Note: Son of Jeduthun (1Chron 25:3,21)
- Note: Levite who stood with Ezra (Neh 8:4)
- Note: Son of John and grandson of Simeon (1Macc 2:1)
- Note: Son of Amos and father of Joseph (Luke 3:25)
- Note: Son of Semei and father of Maath (Luke 3:26)
- Note: One of the three envoys sent by the Syrian general Nicanor to treat with the Jews under Judas during his invasion of Judea, 161 BC (2Macc 14:19)
- Note: Mattithiah: Levite singer (1Chron 15:21)
- Note: Mattithiah: Leader of the 14th band of musicians who served in the sanctuary (1Chron 25:21)
- Forms:
- Ματταρί
- Meaning: Matri
- Note: Ancestor of King Saul (1Sam 10:21)
- Μαφά
- Meaning: Mephaath
- Note: Levite city in the territory of Reuben (Josh 21:37)
- Μαφεκάδ
- Meaning: Miphkad
- Note: A gate in, or near, the north end of the east wall of Jerusalem (Neh 3:31)
- Μαχαβανναί
- Meaning: Machbanai
- Note: Gadite man in David's army (1Chron 12:14)
- Μαχαβηνά
- Meaning: Machbenah
- Note: Son of Sheva (1Chron 2:49)
- Μαχάδ
- Meaning: Machad
- Note: Land mentioned only in LXX (2Sam 13:37)
- Μαχαδναβού
- Meaning: Machnadebai
- Note: Son of Bani who promised to put away his pagan wife
- Concord: Ezra 10:40
- Μαχαθί
- Meaning: Maachathite
- Note: (2Kings 25:23; 1Chron 4:19)
- Μαχαμάς
- Meaning: Michmash
- Note: Town of Benjamin east of Bethel and south of Migron (Neh 11:31)
- Μαχαμηνά
- Meaning: Machbenah
- Note: Son of Sheva
- Concord:
1Chron 2:49
- Μαχάναμ
- Meaning: Manahath, Machanam
- Note: son of Shobal
- Concord:
1Chron 1:40
- Μαχαναρέθ
- Meaning: Chinnereth
- Note: Fenced city near the shore of the lake of Galilee, a little to the south of Tiberias (Deut 3:17)
- Μαχανία
- Meaning: Mattaniah
- Note: One of the Levites who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Neh 12:8)
- Μαχαρίμ
- Meaning: Madmannah
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:31)
- Μαχατί
- Meaning: Maachathites
- Note: Natives of Maachah, a small Syrian kingdom near Geshur, east of the Hauran, the district of Batanea (Josh 12:5)
- Μαχεμάς
- Meaning: Michmash
- Note: Town of Benjamin east of Bethel and south of Migron (1Sam 13:2)
- Μαχές
- Meaning: Maches
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:40 LXX)
- Μαχί
- Meaning: Maachathite
- Note: Demonym of Maacah (2Sam 23:34)
- Μαχίρ
- Meaning: Machir
- Note: Machir: Oldest son of Manasseh (Gen 46:20)
- Note: Machir: Father of Gilead (1Chron 2:21)
- Note: Mehir: Son of Chelub (1Chron 4:11)
- Note: Michri: father of Uzzi (1Chron 9:8)
- Μαχιρί
- Meaning: Machirite
- Note: Descendant of Machir (Num 26:33)
- Μαχμάς
- Meaning: Michmash, Michmas
- Note: A town of Benjamin, east of Bethel and south of Migron on the road to Jerusalem (Isa 10:28)
- Μαχναδαβού
- Meaning: Machnadabai
- Note: Son of Bani who promised to put away his pagan wife (Ezra 10:40)
- Μαχώ
- Meaning: Janohah
- Note: A place named on the eastern boundary of Ephraim (Josh 16:7)
- Note: LXX reads incorrectly. The initial is the preposition meaning from. The basic word is the same as the last word of Josh 16:6
- Μαψάρ, Μάψαρ
- Meaning: Mapsar
- Note: Transliteration of which means fortress, stronghold (2Sam 24:7)
- Μαώζ
- Meaning: Maoz
- Note: LXX takes to be a proper noun, but it means stronghold (Judg 6:26)
- Μαωΐ
- Meaning: Mahavite
- Note: Description of Eliel, one of David's mighty warriors (1Chron 11:46)
- Μαών
- Meaning: Maon
- Note: Maon: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:55)
- Note: Beth-Meon: City in Moab (Jer 48:23). May be the same as Baal-Meon
- Note: Son of Shammai and father of Beth Zur (1Chron 2:45)
- Μαωνίμ
- Meaning: Meunim
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:50)
- Μαώρ
- Meaning: Maon
- Note: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:55)