Συ- names
- Συβαί
- Meaning: Subai
- Note: Head of family of temple servants (1Esdras 5:30)
- Συήνη
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Sin, Syene
- Note: City in Egypt (Ezek 29:10; 30:6,16)
- Forms:
- Συλλήμ
- Meaning: Shillem
- Note: Son of Naphtali (Gen 46:24)
- Συμαέρ
- Meaning: Shemida
- Note: Descendant of Gilead from Manasseh (Num 26:36)
- Συμαερί
- Meaning: Shemidaite
- Note: Descendants of Shemida (Num 26:36)
- Συμαρίμ
- Meaning: Shemida, Symarim
- Note: Descendant of Manasseh (Josh 17:2)
- Hebrew: שְׁמִידָע
- Συμεών
- Meaning: Simeon, Simon
- Note: Son of Jacob and Leah (Gen 29:33)
- Note: Aged saint who visited the child Jesus (Luke 2:29-35)
- Note: Son of Levi and father of Judah; a legal ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:30)
- Note: Simon Niger, teacher in Antioch church (Acts 13:1-3)
- Note: Simon Peter, the apostle (Acts 15:14)
- Note: Father of John; grandfather of Mattathias (1Macc 2:1)
- Συμοβόρ
- Meaning: Shemeber
- Note: King of Zeboiim (Gen 14:2)
- Συμοών
- Meaning: Shimron
- Note: Meron King of Shimron (Josh 11:1; 12:20)
- Note: City in the land of the tribe of Zebulun (Josh 19:15)
- Συντύχη
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syntyche
- Note: A Christian woman in Philippi (Phil 4:2)
- Forms:
- Σύρα
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syrian woman
- Note: The wife of Manasseh and mother of Machir (1Chron 7:14; Gen 46:20 LXX)
- Forms:
- Συρακούσαι
- Parse: Noun: Nom Plur Fem
- Meaning: Syracuse
- Note: A city in Sicily (Acts 28:12)
- Forms:
- Συρία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syria
- Note: Country NE of Israel and east to Mesopotamia
- Forms:
- Συριακή
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syrian, Aramaic
- Note: A citizen of Syria
- Note: Language of Syria, i.e., Aramaic (2Macc 15:36)
- Forms:
- Σύριοι
- Meaning: Syrians
- Note: Demonym of Syria
- Concord: 2Kings 9:15
- Συριστί
- Meaning: Aramaic
- Note: The language of Syria (2Kings 18:26; Dan 2:4)
- Σύρος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Syrian
- Note: Native of the country of Syria NE of Israel and east to Mesopotamia
- Forms:
- Σύρον Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- Σύροι Noun: Nom Plur Masc
- Σύρου Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- Σύρους Noun: Acc Plur Masc
- Σύρῳ Noun: Dat Sing Masc
- Σύρων Noun: Gen Plur Masc
- Συροφοινίκισσα
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syro-Phoenician
- Note: Either a person of mixed race (half Phoenician half Syrian) or a Phoenican person who belonged to the Roman province of Syria in distinction from a Phoenician who lived in Africa or the Carthaginians (Mark 7:26)
- Συροφοίνισσα
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Syro-Phoenician
- Note: Either a person of mixed race (half Phoenician half Syrian) or a Phoenican person who belonged to the Roman province of Syria in distinction from a Phoenician who lived in Africa or the Carthaginians (Mark 7:26)
- Σύρτιν
- Meaning: Syrtis
- Note: The sandbanks along the coast; quicksand (Acts 27:17)
- Συχάρ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Sychar
- Note: City of Samaria (John 4:5)
- Συχέμ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem/Masc
- Meaning: Shechem, Shechemite
- Note: City in Samaria where Abraham received the promise (Gen 12:6)
- Note: Descendant of Manasseh (Num 26:31; Josh 17:2)
- Note: Son of Hamor the Hivite (Gen 33:19; 34:4)
- Note: Capital of Israel, a city of refuge (Gen 33:18; 1Kings 12:1; Acts 7:16)
- Note: Shechem: son of Shemida (1Chron 7:19)
- Συχεμί
- Meaning: Shechemite
- Note: A resident or descendant of Shechem (Num 26:31)