Νε- names
- Νέαν Πόλιν
- Meaning: Neapolis
- Note: A town in Thrace, seaport of Philippi about 16 km away (Acts 16:11)
- Νεάπολις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Neapolis
- Note: The seaport for the city of Philippi about 16 km away (Acts 16:11)
- Forms:
- Νεβρίμ
- Meaning: Nimrim, Nebrim
- Note: A town to the SE of the Dead Sea (Jeremiah 48:34)
- Νεβρείν
- Meaning: Nimrim, Nebrim
- Note: A town to the SE of the Dead Sea (Jeremiah 48:34)
- Νεβρώδ
- Meaning: Nimrod
- Note: Son of Cush (Gen 10:8)
- Note: Alternate name for Assyria or one of its provinces (Micah 5:6) since Nimrod began the kingdoms of countries to the east.
- Νεβσάν
- Meaning: Nibshan
- Note: A town in the wilderness (Josh 15:62)
- Νεεμάν
- Meaning: Naaman
- Note: Syrian commander of Benhadad's army; afflicted with leprosy (Luke 4:27)
- Νεεμία, Νεεμίᾳ
- Meaning: Nehemiah
- Note: One who came out of Babylon (Neh 7:7; Ezra 2:2)
- Note: Son of Hachaliah (Neh 1:1)
- Νεεμίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Nehemiah
- Note: Son of Hachaliah (Neh 1:1)
- Note: Son of Azbuk (Neh 3:16)
- Note: One who came out of Babylon (Neh 7:7; Ezra 2:2)
- Forms:
- Νεεσθάν
- Meaning: Nehushtan
- Note: Name of the bronze serpent (2Kings 18:4)
- Νεῖλος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Nile river
- Forms:
- Νεκωδά
- Meaning: Nekoda
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:48)
- Note: One of the leaders who helped to escort 652 out of captivity (Ezra 2:60)
- Νεκωδάν
- Meaning: Necodan
- Note: Head of family who came out of captivity but could not reveal heritage (1Esdras 5:37)
- Νελαμίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Nehelamite
- Note: The surname of Shemaiah, which possibly means dreamer (Jer 29:24)
- Forms:
- Νεμρά
- Meaning: Nemra
- Note: City in the territory of Judah but not mentioned in MT (Josh 15:35)
- Νεμρίμ, Νεμρείμ
- Meaning: Nimrim
- Note: A stream in Moab a the SE end of the Dead Sea (Isa 15:6)
- Νεομάν
- Meaning: Naaman
- Note: Son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21)
- Νερούας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Nerva
- Note: Roman emperor (AD30-98) who succeeded Domitian and was succeeded by Trajan (Pap 6:1)
- Νέρωνι
- Meaning: Nero
- Note: Roman Emperor (2Tim 4 TR subscript)
- Νεσεράχ
- Meaning: Nisroch
- Note: The god whom Sennacherib worshipped (2Kings 19:37)
- Νεσθά, Νέσθα
- Νεσίβ
- Meaning: Nezib
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:43)
- Νετεβάς
- Meaning: Netophah, Netebas
- Note: Place between Bethlehem and Anathoth (1Esdras 5:18)
- Νετουφάτ
- Meaning: Netophathite
- Note: Native of Netophah (1Chron 27:13)
- Νετωφά
- Meaning: Netophah
- Note: Netophah, a place between Bethlehem and Anathoth
- Νετωφαθί
- Meaning: Netophathites
- Note: A native of Netophah, a place between Bethlehem and Anathoth
- Νετωφαθίτης
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Netophathite
- Note: A native of Netophah, a place between Bethlehem and Anathoth
- Νετωφατί
- Meaning: Netophathite
- Note: A native of Netophah, a place between Bethlehem and Anathoth (Jer 40:8)
- Νεφαθλείμ
- Meaning: Naphtali
- Note: Son of Jacob and Bilhah (Ex 1:4)
- Νεφθαλείμ
- Meaning: Naphtali
- Note: Son of Jacob and Bilhah (Gen 30:8)
- Νεφθαλί
- Meaning: Naphtali
- Note: Son of Jacob and Bilhah (Gen 30:8)
- Νεφθαλιείμ
- Meaning: Naphtuhim
- Note: Son of Mizraim (Gen 10:13)
- Νεφθαλιίμ
- Meaning: Naphtuhim
- Note: Son of Mizraim (Gen 10:13)
- Νεφθαλίμ
- Meaning: Naphtali, Naphtuhim
- Note: Naphtali: Son of Jacob and Rachel (Gen 30:8)
- Note: Naphtuhim: Descendants of Mizraim in the city of Naphtuh (1Chron 1:11)
- Νεφθάρ
- Meaning: Nephthar
- Note: A thick liquid which burned, possibly a petroleum substance, i.e., naphtha (2Macc 1:36)
- Νεφουσίμ
- Meaning: Nephusim
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:50)
- Νεφωσασίμ, Νεφωσασί
- Meaning: Nephishesim
- Note: Family of Nethinim who returned from Babylonian captivity (Neh 7:52)
- Νεχαώ
- Meaning: Necho
- Note: Pharaoh, king of Egypt (Jer 46:2)
- Νεχώρ
- Νεωμίν