Ιη- names
- Ἰηού
- Meaning: Jehu, Jeu
- Note: Son of Obed and father of Azariah (1Chron 2:38)
- Ἰηούλ
- Meaning: Jehu
- Note: Benjamite slinger who joined David at Ziklag (1Chron 12:3)
- Ἰησίας
- Parse: Name
- Meaning: Jesias
- Ἰησοῖ
- Meaning: Joshua
- Note: Son of Nun (Deut 3:21)
- Ἰησουέ
- Meaning: Jeshua
- Note: Jeshua: A segment of those of Pahath-Moab who came out of captivity (Ezra 2:6)
- Note: Joshua: son of Nun
- Ἰησουνί
- Meaning: Jisshiah
- Note: One of 30 mighty men of David (1Chron 12:6)
- Ἰησοῦς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus
- Note: Joshua: the son of Nun, successor to Moses (Ex 17:9)
- Note: Jeshua: One who came with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:2)
- Note: Jeshua: a priest, son of Jozadak (Ezra 3:2)
- Note: Priests of of the sons of Jedaiah who came out of captivity (Ezra 2:36)
- Note: Jeshua: One of the Levites who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:10)
- Note: Jesus Christ (the Messiah) (Matt 1:21)
- Note: Son of Eliezer and father of Er (Luke 3:29)
- Note: Jewish Christian surnamed Justus (Col 4:11)
- Note: Jesus: Priest ancestor (along with Jeddu and Sanasib) of 972 who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:24)
- Note: Jessue: Ancestor (along with Cadmiel, Banuas, and Sudias) of 74 who came out of captivity (1Esdras 5:26)
- Note: Jeshua: Family of priests who had foreign wives (1Esdras 9:19)
- Note: Jesus ben Sirach: son of Eleazar; grandson of Sirach; the author of the book titled "Sirach," "Ben Sira," or "Wisdom of Sirach" (Sir 50:27)
- Note: Jeshua: father of Ezer (Neh 3:19)
- Note: Jeshua: The chief of the ninth of the 24 courses of priests (1Chron 24:11)
- Note: Jeshua: Priest under Kore (2Chron 31:15)
- Forms:
- Ἰησοῦ Noun: Dat/Gen/Voc Sing Masc
- Ἰησοῦν Noun: Acc Sing Masc