Κε- names
- Κεάφ
- Meaning: Achshaph
- Note: City in the territory of Asher (Josh 19:25)
- Κεβλαάμ
- Meaning: Ceblaam
- Note: LXX transliterates קָבָלְעָם to be a proper noun, but it means in view of the people (2Kings 15:10)
- Κεγχρεαί
- Parse: Noun: Nom Plur Fem
- Meaning: Cenchrea
- Note: The eastern harbour of Corinth (Acts 18:18; Rom 16:1)
- Forms:
- Κεδαμώθ
- Meaning: Kedemoth
- Note: The farthest city of the territory of Reuben which was assigned to Levite family of Merari (Deut 2:26)
- Κεδέλ
- Meaning: Giddel
- Note: Family of Nethinim who came out of Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:47)
- Κεδέμ
- Meaning: Cedem
- Note: LXX assumes קֶדֶם is the name of a person or city, but it is the word for east (Jer 49:28; Ezek 25:4)
- Κεδές
- Meaning: Kedesh
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:23)
- Note: City in the territory of Naphtali (Judg 4:6)
- Note: Town of the tribe of Issachar (1Chron 6:72)
- Κεδημώθ
- Meaning: Kedemoth
- Note: One of the cities given to Reuben (Josh 13:18)
- Κεδμά, Κέδμα
- Meaning: Kedemah
- Note: Son of Ishmael (Gen 25:15)
- Κεδμωναῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Kadmonites
- Note: Canaanitish tribe which inhabited the north-eastern part of Palestine in the time of Abraham (Gen 15:19)
- Forms:
- Κεδουράν
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Hadoram
- Note: Son of Joktan (1Chron 1:21)
- Κεδρών, Κέδρων
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Kidron, Kitron
- Note: Kidron: A mountain stream near Jerusalem (John 18:1)
- Note: Kitron: City in the territory of Zebulun (Judg 1:30)
- Κεζίβ
- Meaning: Achzib
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:44)
- Κειλά
- Meaning: Keilah
- Note: City in the territory of Judah (Josh 15:44)
- Κεϊλά
- Meaning: Keilah
- Note: city in the lowlands of Judah
- Note: The Garmite (1Chron 4:19)
- Κεϊλάμ
- Meaning: Keilah
- Note: City assigned to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:44)
- Κελέζ
- Meaning: Helek, Celez
- Note: Descendant of Manasseh (Josh 17:2)
- Κελωθί
- Meaning: Kelothite, Phelothite, Paltite
- Note: One of David's 30 men
- Concord: 2Sam 23:26
- Κεναῖον (Acc Sing)
- Meaning: Kenite
- Note: Tribe inhabiting the desert lying between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai
- Concord: Num 24:21
- Κεναίους
- Meaning: Kenites
- Note: A demonym group
- Concord: Gen 15:19
- Κενδεβαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Cendebaius
- Note: General of Antiochus VII who was appointed "captain of the seacoast" of Palestine (1Macc 15:38)
- Forms:
- Κενέζ
- Meaning: Kenaz
- Note: Son of Eliphaz (Gen 36:11)
- Note: Caleb's brother and father of Othniel (Josh 15:17)
- Note: One of Esau's chiefs (Gen 36:42; 1Chron 1:53)
- Note: Son of Elah (1Chron 4:15)
- Κενεζαῖος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Kenezzite
- Note: Tribe descended from Kenaz (Gen 15:19)
- Forms:
- Κενεζί
- Meaning: Kenites
- Note: tribe inhabiting the desert lying between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai (1Sam 27:10)
- Κενερώθ
- Meaning: Chinneroth
- Note: fenced city which stood near the shore of the lake of Galilee, a little to the south of Tiberias (Josh 11:2)
- Κενερέθ
- Meaning: Chinnereth
- Note: City in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 19:35)
- Κερωέ
- Meaning: Iron, Ceroe
- Note: City in the territory of Naphtali (Josh 19:38)
- Κεσιών
- Meaning: Kishion
- Note: Town in the territory of Zebulun (Josh 19:20)
- Κεφιρά
- Meaning: Chephirah
- Note: Chephirah: One of the cities of the Hivites who by guile made alliance with Israel (Josh 9:17)
- Note: See comment on Chephar (Josh 18:24)
- Κεχάρ
- Meaning: Cechar
- Note: LXX takes כִּכָּר to be a proper noun, but it means plain, roundabout (2Sam 18:23)