Ρο- names
- Ῥοβέ
- Meaning: Reba
- Note: Midian prince in Sihon whom Moses defeated (Josh 13:21)
- Ῥοβοάμ
- Ῥοβόκ
- Meaning: Reba
- Note: One of the five kings of Midian (Num 31:8)
- Ῥόδη
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Rhoda
- Note: Roman woman to whom Hermas was sold (Hermas Vision 1:1:1)
- Note: Young woman in the house of John Mark's mother Mary who answered Peter's knock at the gate (Acts 12:12-15)
- Forms:
- Ῥόδης Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- Ῥόδῃ Noun: Dat Sing Masc
- Ῥόδιος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Dodanim, Rodanim, Dedan
- Note: Son of Javan (Gen 10:4; 1Chron 1:7)
- Note: Dedan: Descendants of Raamah (Ezek 27:15)
- Forms:
- Ῥοδοκός
- Meaning: Rhodocus
- Note: A Jewish traitor who disclosed the plans of Judas to Antiochus (Eupator) 162 BC (2Macc 13:21)
- Ῥόδος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Rhodes, Rodon, rose
- Note: Island in the Aegean Sea west of Caria, also the name of its city (Acts 21:1)
- Forms:
- Ῥόιμος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Roimus
- Note: One of the men who guided those who came with Zorobabel out of Babylon (1Esdras 5:8)
- Forms:
- Ῥοκόμ, Ῥοκόν
- Meaning: Rekem, Rhekem
- Note: Midian prince in Sihon whom Moses defeated (Num 31:8; Josh 13:21)
- Ῥομελία
- Meaning: Remaliah
- Note: Father of Pekah (2Chron 28:6)
- Ῥομελίας
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Remaliah
- Note: Father of Pekah (Isa 7:1)
- Forms:
- Ῥομμά
- Meaning: Gallim
- Note: The native place of Phalti, to whom Michal was given by Saul (1Sam 25:44)
- Hebrew: גַלִּים
- Ῥοόβ
- Meaning: Rehob
- Note: Rehob: A place in north Palestine; he northern limit of the exploration of the spies. (Num 13:21)
- Ῥοολλάμ
- Meaning: Roollam, Zaham
- Note: Son of Rehoboam (2Chron 11:19)
- Ῥουβήν
- Meaning: Reuben
- Note: Son of Jacob and Leah (Gen 29:32)
- Ῥουβηνί
- Meaning: Reubenites
- Note: Descendants of Reuben (1Chron 26:32)
- Ῥούθ
- Parse: Noun: indeclined Fem
- Meaning: Ruth
- Note: Moabitess, wife of Mahlon, married Boaz; mother of Obed (Ruth; Matt 1:5)
- Ῥουμά
- Meaning: Dumah
- Note: Demah: City in the hill country of the territory of Judah (Josh 15:52)
- Note: Rumah: (2Kings 23:36)
- Ῥοῦφος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Rufus
- Note: Son of Simon the Cyrenian (Mark 15:21)
- Note: Companion of Ignatius (Pol-Phil 9:1)
- Note: A Christian in Rome to whom Paul sends greetings (Rom 16:13)
- Forms:
- Ῥοώβ
- Meaning: Rehob, Roob
- Note: Rehob: one of the Levites who endorsed Nehemiah's covenant (Neh 10:12)
- Note: Rehob: city in the territory of Asher (Judg 1:31; 1Chron 6:75)
- Ῥοωβώθ
- Meaning: Rehoboth
- Note: City near Ninevah (Gen 10:11)
- Note: A city where Shaul/Saul resided (Gen 36:37; 1Chron 1:49)
- Ῥοώς
- Meaning: Roos
- Note: LXX understands ראׁשׁ to mean a proper noun, but it means mountain top, summit (2Sam 15:32; 16:1)