Τι- names
- Τιβεριάς
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: Tiberias
- Note: A city on the west shore of the Sea of Tiberias, named after Emperor Tiberius (John 6:1,23; 21:1)
- Forms:
- Τίβερις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Tiber
- Note: River in Italy (Hermas Vision 1:1:2)
- Forms:
- Τιβερίος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Tiberius
- Note: Tiberius Caesar 42BC-AD37 (Luke 3:1)
- Forms:
- Τίγρις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning: Tigris
- Note: Of the two rivers that flow into the Persian Gulf to create the Mesopotamian valley, the Tigris is the eastern one while the Euphrates is the western. (Gen 2:14LXX; Dan 10:4)
- Forms:
- Τίμαιος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Timaeus
- Note: Father of blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46)
- Forms:
- Τιμόθεος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Timothy
- Note: Close companion of Paul; father was a Greek, mother was Eunice, grandmother Lois (2Tim 1:5)
- Note: A leader of the Ammonites who was defeated by Judas Maccabeus (1Macc 5:11)
- Forms:
- Τίμων
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Timon
- Note: One of seven men chosen to oversee the provisions for widows and poor (Acts 6:5)
- Forms:
- Τιτίου
- Meaning: Titus
- Note: A man in Corinth called Titus Justus (Acts 18:7); alt text simply calls him Justus
- Τίτος
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: Titus
- Note: Companion of Paul and Barnabas (2Cor 12:18; Gal 2:1-3; 2Tim 4:10); pastor of church in Crete (Titus 1:5)
- Note: Titus Manius (2Macc 11:34)
- Forms:
- Τίτον Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- Τίτου Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- Τίτῳ Noun: Dat Sing Masc