- ᾄσω
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Sing
- Root: ᾄδω
- ἀσωμάτοις
- ἀσώματον
- Parse:
- Adj: Nom Sing Neut
- Adj: Acc Sing MFN
- Root: ἀσώματος
- ἀσώματος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning: bodiless, disembodied, incorporeal
- Forms:
- ᾄσωμεν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Act Subj 1st Plur
- Root: ᾄδω
- ἀσωτία
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: luxury, debauchery, dissipation, wantonness, wastefulness, profligacy, incorrigibility, unsavedness, extravagancy
- Forms:
Feminine Noun |
| Singular | Plural |
NOM | ἀσωτία | ἀσωτίαι |
GEN | ἀσωτίας | ἀσωτιῶν |
DAT | ἀσωτίᾳ | ἀσωτίαις |
ACC | ἀσωτίαν | ἀσωτίας |
VOC | ἀσωτία | ἀσωτίαι |
- ἀσωτίαν
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: ἀσωτία
- ἀσωτίας
- Parse:
- Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Noun: Acc Plur Fem
- Root: ἀσωτία
- ἄσωτον
- Parse:
- Adj: Acc Sing Masc/Fem
- Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Meaning: hopeless; profligate
- Root: ἀσώτος
- ἀσώτος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning:
- luxurious, debauched, profligate, indulging in luxury and extravagance
- hopeless, having no hope of safety, abandoned
- Forms:
- ἀσώτως
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning: dissolutely, dissolute, intemperate, depraved, profligate, unrestrained, riotous