- ἀντισταθῆτε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Ind/Subj 2nd Plur
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντίσταθῶσιν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστάντας
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Acc Plur Masc
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστᾶσα
- Parse:
- Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Fem
- Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: to set against
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- Parse:
- ἀντιστῆναι
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Act Infin
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστήριγμα
- Parse: Noun: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Meaning: a prop, stay, stanchion, support beam, (someone, something) that provides support
- Cognates:
- Forms:
Neuter Noun Singular Plural NOM ἀντιστήριγμα ἀντιστηρίγματα GEN ἀντιστηρίγματος ἀντιστηριγμάτων DAT ἀντιστηρίγματι ἀντιστηρίγμασι(ν) ACC ἀντιστήριγμα ἀντιστηρίγματα VOC ἀντιστήριγμα ἀντιστηρίγματα
- ἀντιστηρίγματα
- Parse: Noun: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: ἀντιστήριγμα
- ἀντιστηρίζει
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἀντιστηρίζω
- ἀντιστηριζόμενοι
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Plur Masc
- Root: ἀντιστηρίζω
- ἀντιστηρίζω
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind/Subj 1st Sing
- Active Meaning:
- to support, give support
- to press against
- Middle Meaning:
- to lean against for support
- to seek support, rely
- to put up resistance
- Cognates:
ἀντιστηρίζω, ἐγκαταστηρίζω, ἐπιστηρίζω, καταστηρίζω, στηρίζω, ὑποστηρίζω
- Forms:
- ἀντιστηρίζει Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἀντιστηριζόμενοι Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Plur Masc
- ἀντιστηρίσασθε Verb: Aor Mid Imperative 2nd Plur
- ἀντιστηρίσασθε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: ἀντιστηρίζω
- ἀντιστήσεται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστήσονται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστρατεύομαι
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 1st Sing
- Meaning: to attack, war against, be at war with
- Cognates:
- Forms:
- ἀντιστρατευόμενον Part: Pres Mid/Pass Acc Sing Masc
- ἀντιστρατευόμενον
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Acc Sing Masc
- Root: ἀντιστρατεύομαι
- ἀντιστῶμεν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Subj 1st Plur
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- ἀντιστῶσιν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: ἀνθίστημι
- Parse: