- ἵημι
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind/Subj 1st Sing
- Meaning:
- to hasten, send oneself
- to put into motion
- to send, send forth
- to let go, let flow, let fall
- Cognates:
ἀφίημι, ἀνίημι, διεξίημι, ἐγκαθίημι, ἐναφίημι, ἐνίημι, ἐξαφίημι, ἐξίημι, ἐπαφίημι, ἵημι, καθίημι, παρίημι, περίημι, προσίημι, συνίημι
Principle Parts Present Future Aorist ἵημι ἥσω ἧκα Perfect
Passiveεἷκα εἷμαι εἵθην - Forms:
- ἧκε(ν) Verb: Aor Act Ind 3rd Sing