- ἐπακολουθεῖ
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 2nd Sing
- Meaning: to follow after
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- Parse:
- ἐπακολουθείτω
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Imperative 3rd Sing
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθέω
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind/Subj 1st Sing
- Meaning:
- to follow behind (e.g., Bill followed Jim's footsteps)
- to come after (e.g., Moses came after Abraham), succeed
- to follow after (i.e., to devote oneself to something)
- to follow (an authority)
- to pursue
- Cognates:
ἀκολουθέω, ἀντακολουθέω, διακολουθέω, ἐξακολουθέω, ἐπακολουθέω, ἐπικατακολουθέω, κατακολουθέω, μετακολουθέω, παρακολουθέω, περιακολουθέω, προακολουθέω, συγκατακολουθέω, συμπαρακολουθέω, συνακολουθέω, συνεξακολουθέω, συνεπακολουθέω, ὑπακολουθέω
- Forms:
- ἐπακολουθῆσαι
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Act Infin
- Verb: Aor Act Opt 3rd Sing
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- Parse:
- ἐπακολουθήσαντες
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθήσατε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Act Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθήσεις
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Sing
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθήσετε
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Plur
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθήσῃ
- Parse: Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Sing
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθήσητε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Act Subj 2nd Plur
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθούντων
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Gen Plur Neut
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθούσης
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Gen Sing Fem
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθοῦσι, ἐπακολουθοῦσιν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακολουθῶν
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: to follow after
- Root: ἐπακολουθέω
- ἐπακούσαντι
- Parse: Part: 1Aor Act Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: ἐπακούω
- ἐπακούσαντος
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Meaning: to hear, listen to
- Root: ἐπακούω
- ἐπακούσατε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Act Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: ἐπακούω
- ἐπακούσεται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἐπακούω
- ἐπακούσομαι
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 1st Sing
- Root: ἐπακούω
- ἐπακουστός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning:
- obeyed, listened to
- entitled to compliance
- Forms:
Singular Masculine Feminine Neuter NOM ἐπακουστός ἐπακουστόν GEN ἐπακουστοῦ DAT ἐπακουστῷ ACC ἐπακουστόν Plural Masculine Feminine Neuter NOM ἐπακουστοί ἐπακουστά GEN ἐπακουστῶν DAT ἐπακουστοίς ACC ἐπακουστούς ἐπακουστά
- ἐπακούσω
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Mid Ind 2nd Sing
- Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Sing
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 1st Sing
- Meaning: to hear, listen
- Root: ἐπακούω
- Parse:
- ἐπακούω
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind/Subj 1st Sing
- Meaning:
- to hear, listen to, give ear
- to take sympathetic note of
- to react to an oral message, respond orally
- to obey
- to grant something in response to a request
- to accede to a request made orally by
- Cognates:
ἀκούω, ἀντακούω, διακούω, εἰσακούω, ἐνακούω, ἐπακούω, παρακούω, προακούω, ὑπακούω
- Forms:
- ἐπακροάομαι
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 1st Sing
- Meaning: to listen to (someone)
- Cognates:
- Forms:
- ἐπηκροῶντο Verb: Imperfect Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Plur
- ἐπακρόασις
- Parse: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning:
- hearkening
- act of listening attentively
Feminine Noun Singular Plural NOM ἐπακρόασις ἐπακροάσεις GEN ἐπακροάσεως ἐπακροάσεων DAT ἐπακροάσει ἐπακροάσεσι(ν) ACC ἐπακρόασι(ν) ἐπακροάσεις